About the Project

The PALIMPSEST Project aims at regenerating lost sustainability wisdom in heritage landscapes and reimagine their future, experimenting with new ways of acting and interacting. The project has a strong foundation in co-creation and brings together professionals from many different backgrounds. The project has no less than 22 partners and 3 pilot locations. 

PALIMPSEST creates an interactive archive of urban legends and stories and takes place in the regions of Epirus (GR) and Puglia (IT). The first phase of the project involved collecting these stories. During this phase, primary school students were asked to get in contact with elderly family members in order to gather information about urban legends. The second phase involved creating a mobile app with a map that pinpoints the exact locations in which the collected stories took place. During the third phase of the project, artists were invited to create interactive art installations inspired by the collected stories. The artworks were installed in the locations pinpointed in the map and visitors are able to activate them on-site. Finally, the stories, the mobile app and the art installations are interconnected in order to transform the in-situ archive of urban legends into an integrated museum experience.

See more on the project’s website